Water movement problems in agriculture impact growers in a variety of ways. If the water does not get to its intended target, the rootzone, then the chemicals being carried in that water will not get there either. In addition, the lack of proper water movement into the soil can impact the ability for plants to thrive. Listed below are several water movement problems.

Water Movement Problems Impact on Agriculture
 Infiltration
 Lateral Movement
 Availability of Water
 Tilth of Soil
 Uniform distribution of chemicals
 Stand Count


Integrate* is a non-ionic, soil surfactant that has been proven to significantly increase the lateral movement of water in soils.

2015 Performance Guarantee ProgramApply Integrate™ Soil Surfactant and Engage Agro USA will guarantee⃰ that the application will pay for itself through crop yield benefits and reduced water and energy costs. 

10% yield increase in potatoes using Integrate 20 Soil Surfactant.

Integrate™ SAVES Water and INCREASES Yield on Melon Crop

Product Label

Why you need Integrate

Technical Bulletin

IntegrateTM 20 improves the initial wetting and subsequent rewetting of agricultural soils. It’s formulation ensures maximum uptake of water on hydrophobic soils. It provides uniform penetration and lateral movement of water encouraging improved rooting and nutrient uptake leading to greater plant health and uniformity. 

Integrate 20 is not crop specific because it changes the way in which available water and soils interact resulting in more water retained in the rooting zone.  Water is more available to plant roots and crops are able to efficiently utilize water and crop inputs such as macro and micro nutrients.

Integrate 20 is not crop specific.  It can be applied on all agricultural crops including trees, nuts and vines, strawberries, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucurbits cucumbers, eggplant, melons, zucchini, etc.

Integrate 20 treated soils improve the distribution and effectiveness of soil applied pesticides. 

Integrate 20's formulation also includes Glucoethers (plant sugars) which are rapidly absorbed and assimilated by the roots, providing an immediate energy source.

Integrate 20 is available in concentrations of 20% and 80% active depending on your needs and injection methods.